Music Collection

Music Collection is a free tool to archive and manage your music library. Add CDs, LPs, tapes, or digital files manually or via the Internet. Retrieve album data by artist, title, barcode, catalog number, or CD scan. Auto-import metadata from audio files. Browse, sort, filter, export, import, and generate reports effortlessly.

Music Collection features:

  • The program creates the collection's database in a Microsoft Access format, so if you want later, you can use it, without the help of the program.
  • The user can create as many as different collections wants.
  • Accepts all kinds of musical media (cd, lp, dvd-a, audio files etc.).
  • Specially customized to add and edit classical music albums.
  • Retrieves data from the Internet, such as cd info, album cover, artist information, tracks, and the lyrics of each track etc.
  • For every album the program saves all media contained, every medium tracks and the lyrics for every track.
  • Displays albums using filters or the advanced search feature.
  • Lists selected albums in a grid or using images (default setting).
  • Presents all items contained in the album, in one page for an easy album overview. The details that are shown there are: album cover, album artists, notes, the tracks of each medium, the lyrics of each track and the duration of each one, as well as the total duration of the album.
  • Exports album information to html file.
  • Exports collection albums to html,txt,csv,excel files.
  • Imports album information from text files exported by another program.
  • Manages all program data, such as a list of singers, composers, etc.
  • Manages artist information (biography, best albums).
  • Prints all the data shown in each table..
  • Creates reports, which you can configure by your preference..
  • Manages album loans.
  • Shows collection statistics.
  • Searches for tracks and opens the album medium that contains them.
  • Skinable. The user can select from 30 different skins.
  • Multi-language support.

Music Collection changelog:

  • Added: Bitrate search field in track search.
  • Added: Bitrate in the export/report fields.
  • Added: Open program folders from the collection properties.
  • Added: Scan audio files-Open list item in explorer.
  • Added: Track view - search track in YouTube.
  • Fixed: Some minor bugs.