vMail OST to PST Converter 12.5 Crack + Activation Code (Updated)
Nowadays emails have become more and more important in our everyday lives since they can be the medium through which we send out important documents and messages, and that is why backing them up is important.
That is where OST files (Offline Storage Table) come in the picture, as they are locally stored versions of all the data you send and receive through the Outlook server.
Download vMail OST to PST Converter Crack
Software developer |
V software
Grade |
Downloads count | 5532 |
File size | < 1 MB |
Systems | Windows All |
vMail OST to PST is a simple app that lets you convert OST files into easier to use PST, EML or MSG files
It doesn't matter if you've been using software for all of your life or are just a beginner, the app's UI is welcoming to both categories of users. The icons are nicely arranged and colored, and their description is self-explanatory.
The main reason you could use this app is for those moments when you are without Internet connection yet need to access the contents of your email as soon as possible.
All you have to do is browse for your locally stored OST file, and then the app will display its content like the actual email utility. The data is separated based on category (contacts, archive, junk email, etc.) so you can easily find the files you need recovering.
To convert the OST-based file, all you have to do is right-click a specific folder from the displayed list, select the "Save Item" button, then choose the file format you need it in.
Currently, vMail OST to PST supports the saving of OST files in MSG Unicode, MSG, EML, HTML, RTF, Cal, vCal and vCard file formats. If you are not interested in the email itself and just want to extract the attachments, all you have to do is select the "Save Attachment" button instead.
All thing considered, vMail OST to PST is a great app for anyone's digital library since it is easy to use and gets the job done fast and efficiently.
OST converter Mail extractor File management OST PST Converter Mail