Wise PC 1stAid 1.48.67 Crack + Keygen (Updated)

It sometimes happens that your computer simply refuses to perform a series of basic tasks, such as opening links or correctly displaying icons on your screen. But the problem might not be that serious, so before resorting to a technician, you should consider using a computer-repair tool.

Wise PC 1stAid is an easy to use piece of software that assembles the most frequent computer issues, allowing you to pick the one you have encountered and try to automatically repair it.

Wise PC 1stAid

Download Wise PC 1stAid Crack

Software developer
Grade 4.6
1228 4.6
Downloads count 11491
File size < 1 MB
Systems Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista 64 bit, Windows 7, Windows 7 64 bit, Windows 8, Windows 8 64 bit, Windows 10, Windows 10 64 bit

The application can solve a series of problems, like the inability to open links in Outlook, Internet Explorer and other programs, a disabled Registry Editor or a deactivated Task Manager.

Aside from providing you with a description of the problem, Wise PC 1stAid also offers a visual example of the possible issue, making it easier to match, even for the less experienced computer users.

After selecting the problem you are confronted with, Wise PC 1stAid offers a series of comments about it, the way in which it will attempt to fix it as well as the possible effects resulting from the repair.

As such, fixing the unusual display of desktop icons might cause the desktop to disappear for a moment; additionally, a computer reboot might be required.

If you cannot open links in various programs, Wise PC 1stAid Serial will try to repair the issue, but in the process, it will reset Internet Explorer as the default browser.

In order to enable the Task Manager, the application warns that a restart may be necessary. On the other hand, activating the Registry Editor appears inconsequential in terms of additional modifications made to your computer.

Wise PC 1stAid is a user-friendly repair utility that allows you to quickly fix common PC errors, without having to call in an expert, thus sparing your from unnecessary expenses and time loss.