GUID Explorer 1.0.003 Crack + Activator Updated

As an in-house test and development tool, we developed a utility that allowed us to explore the device details for a particular GUID.

Windows 2000/XP provides a set of APIs that allow a developer to enumerate a particular device class GUID, and determine additional information on each device that is detected.

GUID Explorer

Download GUID Explorer Crack

Software developer
Grade 2.1
934 2.1
Downloads count 8666
File size < 1 MB
Systems Windows 2K, Windows XP, Windows XP 64 bit, Windows 2003

We display the GUID identifier string as they're declared in the Windows 2000 DDK header file. Select the GUID that interests you. This will show you the enumerated device objects that the OS returns. You can then select a device and a device property you'd like to view. The device property will appear in hex and ASCII in the bottom portion of the dialog box.

The APIs we use are part of the SetupDiXxx class of APIs as described in the Windows 2000 DDK. Please refer to the DDK for additional information on this application. You'll want to pay particular attention to the following APIs which we use:

■ SetupDiGetClassDevs()

■ SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo()

■ SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty()

■ SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList()