RocketCake 5.1

RocketCake is a free web editor for creating responsive websites. For beginners and professional web developers. No programming needed. No need to learn any HTML or CSS. Just click, drag'n'drop or type. But of course, you are still free to mix in your own code, if you like. Edit the website as it appears on your device. Switch at any time to view and editor it as on any other tablet, PC or mobile. Rocket Cake has built in support for all important HTML elements: image galleries, slideshows, resizable containers, stylish buttons, gradients, HTML 5 video, audio, and more.

Clean Generated Code

  • The editor spits out clean HTML/CSS code. You also can use it as base for your more complicated websites or template for your server scripts.

Breakpoint Editor

  • Specify your own break points to adjust the website just as you like. The flexible break point editor makes it extremely easy.

Professional Edition

  • There is a professional edition with the option to insert custom CSS, HTML, JavaScript, PHP code, user-defined breakpoint code and premium support.

RocketCake 5.1 changelog:

SVG support

  • You can now include SVG files in your websites just like other images. The difference to normal images is that SVG files are vector graphics and scale automatically, so they look nice at any resolution. In the editor SVG animations, svg texts and some other special svg features might not show up, but they will on the previewed and final websites.

Images in Navigation menus

  • You can now use images in your navigation menus. Together with the SVG support, you can now for example use nicely styled hamburger menus or other symbols easily.

Two open / close modes for navigation menu

  • You can now select if a navigation menu will close when clicked on it again, or open via mouse hovering on desktop or not. In the property window of the menu, select "Advanced Settings".
  • There, set the new option "OpenCloseWhenClicked" to whatever mode you prefer. Some people find it more natural with the second mode, so that you can easily close the menu again by clicking on the top menu.

Other changes

  • Shortcut for moving menu entries: You can now use Shift+PageUp and Shift+PageDown to move menu entries quickly
  • The font of web form elements can now be only changed using the font selection box, just like with all other elements. The property window doesn't have any entries for fonts anymore now for these elements.
  • More invalid macOS magic quotes replacements and filters are now detected and replaced automatically in HTML/Javascript/PHP code
  • New website template: Gardening
  • In the preview of the buttons when creating a new button on a HDPI display, the captions are now centered correctly.

  • Fixed a case where the checkbox "don't show this message again" didn't have an effect on some systems when resizing images or previewing websites