RocketCake 5.0

RocketCake is a free web editor for creating responsive websites. For beginners and professional web developers. No programming needed. No need to learn any HTML or CSS. Just click, drag'n'drop or type. But of course, you are still free to mix in your own code, if you like. Edit the website as it appears on your device. Switch at any time to view and editor it as on any other tablet, PC or mobile. Rocket Cake has built in support for all important HTML elements: image galleries, slideshows, resizable containers, stylish buttons, gradients, HTML 5 video, audio, and more.

Clean Generated Code

  • The editor spits out clean HTML/CSS code. You also can use it as base for your more complicated websites or template for your server scripts.

Breakpoint Editor

  • Specify your own break points to adjust the website just as you like. The flexible break point editor makes it extremely easy.

Professional Edition

  • There is a professional edition with the option to insert custom CSS, HTML, JavaScript, PHP code, user-defined breakpoint code and premium support.

RocketCake 5.0 changelog:

  • You can now set alternate texts for images in image galleries. This is useful for SEO purposes:
  • Just check the "AlternateText" checkbox for the gallery and you can enter alt text for every image.
  • The button generation dialog now has a few more button styles and is now resizable.
  • Link target preview tooltips also now work nicely with sub folders
  • Various improvments for using the editor on highDPI screens
  • Generated HTML Code for bullet lists has been improved
  • Web form buttons now also support hover styles
  • The element selection dialog (like in the hyperlink creation dialog) now restores its last set size which is useful for large projects
  • It's now possible to directly right-click into text and edit its properties like changing hyperlinks etc without needing to select the text with left before
  • Preview images of templates are now bigger by default
  • Added support for Samsung Galaxy S22
  • Overlong menu entries are now also supported and easily editable in the editor
  • All the elements in the toolset on the right now have tooltips with a short description on what the element does exactly
  • The HTML and JavaScript code editor now works more nicely with unix style line breaks also on Windows
  • Video elements and PDF files now show their file name in the editor
  • Generated CSS style class names are now a bit easier to read
  • Image Galleries now use code to remove CLS (= cumulative layout shifts)
  • When using image galleries with no border but hover styles for hovering the border, the gallery no longer flickers
  • Font preview in font selection combobox now shows font as it was selected in the browser if the first few font families are not available in the os but others are [full release notes]